# Mass Spectrometry Madness Date: 2022-10-28 Time: 10.26 AM (Panama local time in 24-hour format!) Place: Main room Public documentation channel: https://app.element.io/#/room/#mass-spec-madness:matrix.org Facilitator: George Notetaker: Juul, Pierre Participants: * George * Juul * Nico * Pierre * Darin ## Notes Gather a community around this! ## Links Chat: https://matrix.to/#/#mass-spec-madness:matrix.org ## Images/videos/audio ### Simplified diagram of a mass spectrometer ![](https://md.opensourceecology.de/uploads/a09c7ce8f0e1bf600bbb9bac1.png) Source: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2014.09.024 # Challenges - Find a better, more general use case (AGE has many alternatives). - Servicing. - Simplification: think about individual modules, and how to simplify them separately. Being creative! ## Brainstorming Microfluidics Mass Spec? Resolution: from 13 KDalton to 13 MDalton. # Modules Parts of the MS! - Vaccum - Ionization - Selection - Detection ## Vacuum What pressure do we _really_ need? - Standard pressure: 10-6 Tor / 10-9 Atm - We probably wont need this. Macromolecules are large! A few gas atoms will not change their momentum. - However, the vacuum must be good enough. Else the electro-ionization tip can "burn up" during operation. Options: - Pumps - Getters: get rid of (certain) gasses through absoprtion. The getter material will react with the gasses, and capture them with a very low vapor pressure. - Requires: the getter (consumable/reusable material), possibly purging with a certain gas (like O2). May require heating the getter to high temperatures with induction (with a high current source possibly). - There is a reusable getter paper on OHX, about an anaerobic chamber. - Heated iron (steel wool perhaps!) can be used to capture oxygen. The chamber should be purged of other gasses _really_ well before. ## (Soft) Ionization Options: - ESI: high voltage ionization. - MALDI: requires powerful lasers. Vacuum-only (with a matrix): https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3591669/ Vacuum Chamber: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ohx.2021.e00237 ESI with paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHfgB685dZ4 Heated lamp tungsten filamen (not viable for DNA): https://youtu.be/nIKhUizkXxA?t=505 ## Selection - Quadrupole. - TOF - Magneitc sector - Cyclotron Possibly Quadrupole. TOF can work with large molecules / short tube length. ## Detection Have not discussed this yet :)